IntelliJ IDEA

Install or upgrade IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Download IntelliJ from

  2. Extract the downloaded file, e.g.

    tar -xvf ideaIU-2024.3.tar.gz
  3. Move the directory somewhere, e.g.

    sudo mv idea-IU-243.21565.193/ /opt
  4. Launch IntelliJ, e.g.

  5. Create or update desktop entry

    Menu > Tools > Create Desktop Entry

  6. If upgrading, remove old installation, e.g.

    sudo rm -rf /opt/idea-IU-221.5080.210/

Keyboard shortcuts

  1. File > Settings > Keymap

    1. Override Find Next shortcut

      Note: This will override the existing shortcut (Go to Line:Column)

      1. Main Menu > Edit > Find > Find Next

      2. Right-click > Add Keyboard Shortcut

      3. Press Ctrl+G

      4. OK > Remove

    2. Override Replace shortcut

      Note: This will override the existing shortcut (Type Hierarchy)

      1. Main Menu > Edit > Find > Replace

      2. Right-click > Add Keyboard Shortcut

      3. Press Ctrl+H

      4. OK > Remove

    3. Create shortcuts for move line up/down

      1. Main Menu > Code > Move Line Down

        (There’s also Move Statement Down, but it works less predictably)

      2. Right-click > Add Keyboard Shortcut

      3. Press Alt+down arrow

      4. OK > Remove

      5. Main Menu > Code > Move Line Up

      6. Right-click > Add Keyboard Shortcut

      7. Press Alt+up arrow

      8. OK > Remove

Enable auto format on save

  • IntelliJ

    Automatically reformat code on save

    1. File > Settings > Tools > Actions on Save

    2. Enable any desired options, e.g.

      • Reformat code
      • Optimize imports
    3. Disable formatting properties files

      (It doesn’t seem to do anything except annoyingly remove blank lines, which can be useful to group properties)

      Reformat code > All file types > uncheck Properties

  • Android Studio: Auto format code in Android Studio/Intellij IDEA

Enable automatic update when Gradle config is changed

  1. File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools

  2. Make sure Reload project after changes in the build scripts is checked

  3. Select Any changes > OK

Disable spell checking

File > Settings > Editor > Inspections

  • (Recommended) Uncheck Proofreading to turn off all proofreading
  • Or to disable spell checking:

    Proofreading > under Proofreading uncheck Typo

Disable auto saving

ⓘ IntelliJ will auto save when you switch to another application, but this may trigger a lengthy rebuild in some projects and may be undesirable

  1. File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings

  2. Uncheck Save files when switching to a different application or a built-in terminal

Lombok support

(Doesn’t apply to Android Studio) Follow the steps here: