Commodore 64

Commodore 64 emulator (Vice)

Install Vice

(Recommended) Install from source:

Run Vice

In a terminal:


Enable drive sound emulation (just for fun)

Settings > Drive settings > check Drive sound emulation

Mount a .d64 disk image

File > Attach disk image > Unit #8 > check Attach read only > browse to the .d64 file > Open

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Switch between upper/lower case display


  • Switch between upper/lower case input

    Caps Lock

  • Pause the emulator


  • Mapping (PC > C64)

    Tab > Ctrl

Commodore 64 commands

List files on a disk

LOAD "$",8

Show the contents of a file

  1. Load the file

  2. List the contents

    1. List all the contents
    2. List specific lines
      LIST 10 - 100

Run a file

  1. Load the file

  2. Run the file


.d64 images

Note: Install Vice first (see above) to provide the c1541 binary

List the contents of a .d64 image

c1541 -attach IMAGE.d64 -list

Extract all files from a .d64 image

c1541 -attach IMAGE.d64 -extract
for file in *; do mv "$file" "$file.prg"; done # (Optional)

Extract one file from a .d64 image

c1541 -attach IMAGE.d64 -read SOURCEFILE DESTFILE.prg

Extracting files from a corrupt image

If you get an error reading or extracting files from a d64 image using c1541:

  1. If the image was created with d64copy (ZoomFloppy/OpenCBM) try recreating it using -b/--bam-only

  2. If that’s not possible or it doesn’t work, check the file size

  3. If the image file is bigger than 174848 bytes, open the file in a hex editor

  4. Verify that there’s no real data past 2AAFF. If it’s just 00s or 01s then it’s safe to trim

  5. Trim the image

    dd if=image.d64 of=image-trimmed.d64 bs=1 count=174848
  6. Try using c1541 again on the new trimmed image

Commodore 64 graphics/image files

Identify Commodore 64 graphics/image files

Use DirMaster (runs fine in Linux using Wine):

Convert Commodore 64 graphics/image files

Use Pixcen (runs fine in Linux using Wine): (source code:


Note: Install Vice first (see above) to provide the petcat binary

View contents of Commodore 64 PRG files

petcat -2 -- FILENAME.prg

View contents of folder of Commodore 64 PRG files

for file in *; do petcat -2 -- "$file" | less; done

Convert a Commodore 64 PRG file to a text file

petcat -2 -o OUTPUT.txt -- INPUT.prg

Convert all Commodore 64 PRG files in a folder to text files

for file in *; do petcat -2 -o "${file%.prg}.txt" -- "$file"; done