

This page has been archived and will receive no further updates.

Helpful documentation

Quick reference

Undo uncommitted local changes

git reset HEAD
git checkout .
git clean -df


Automatically fetch and merge changes from a git repo (svn update)

git pull

Git pull without creating a new merge commit

git pull --rebase

Add files to git repo

git add FILE1 FILE2

Remove files from git repo

git rm FILE1 FILE2

Show current changes

git status

Commit changes to repo

git commit -m 'COMMIT MESSAGE'

Ignore changes to specific files in repo

  1. Create a file called .gitignore in the root of the repo
  2. Add the path to all the files you want to ignore
  3. Add and commit .gitignore


echo "bin/
gen/" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "add .gitignore"

Repository of .gitignore templates:

Go back to HEAD after you’ve checked out a particular revision

git checkout master

Get a particular version of a file from a particular commit

git checkout 40276 my_project/libs/android-support-v4.jar

Stage newly added files

git add .


Undo uncommitted local changes

git reset HEAD
git checkout .
git clean -df


Push local repo to remote repo

git push -u origin master

Push and track all local branches to remote branches with the same name

git push --all origin -u

To push after this:

git push


Show a log of commits, one per line

git log --pretty=oneline

Show a log of commits with list of files changed

git log --stat

Show a log of commits with diffs of changes

git log -p

Show the contents of a particular commit

git show COMMIT_ID


git show 33f5

(note you don’t need to use the entire commit id, only the first few unique characters–at least 4)


Show which tag you’re currently on

git describe

List tags

git tag

Fetch a particular tag

git checkout TAG_NAME

Create a tag

git tag -a TAG_NAME -m 'TAG MESSAGE'


git tag -a v1.0 -m 'version 1.0: first production version'

Show the details for a particular tag

git show v1.0

Push local repo to remote repo, including tags

git push -u origin master --tags


List local branches

git branch

List all available branches (including remote branches)

git branch -a

Switch to a particular branch

git checkout BRANCH_NAME

Create a new branch from the current working directory

git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME

Push newly created branch

git push origin BRANCH_NAME

Create a new branch from a particular commit

git branch COMMIT_ID

Merge a branch back into master

git checkout master
git merge BRANCH_NAME


Install git (ubuntu)

sudo apt install git

Create a git repo

mkdir MYREPO
git init
git remote add origin

Retreive a git repo for the first time (svn checkout)

git clone git://

Remote operations

List remote repositories

git remote

Remove a remote repository

git remote rm REMOTE_NAME

Add a remote repository

git remote add REMOTE_NAME git://


git remote add origin git://

List remote URLs

git remote -v

Change remote URL

Change remote push URL from https:// to git://:

git remote set-url --push origin git@`git remote -v | grep push | cut -d / -f 3`:`git remote -v | grep push | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d / -f 4-5`

(Does this: git remote set-url --push origin

That sets just the push URL. To set the fetch URL:

git remote set-url origin