JavaScript testing


This page has been archived and will receive no further updates.

Current preferred testing framework as of 2017: Jest


Set up Jest

  1. Install Jest

    yarn add --dev jest


    npm install --save-dev jest
  2. Update package.json

      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest"
  3. If you wish to report coverage

    1. Update package.json

        "scripts": {
          "test": "jest --coverage"
    2. Install coverage library

      yarn add --dev coveralls


      npm install --save-dev coveralls
    3. Make sure linter ignores coverage folder

      • Point eslint to specific folder

          "scripts": {
            "lint": "eslint src/*",
      • Or, add coverage to .eslintignore

  4. Configure linter for Jest
    1. Add this to your .eslintrc or .eslintrc.js:
        "env": {
          "jest": true,
  5. Run jest to make sure it’s working

    yarn test


    npm test
  6. Create your first test

    1. In the same folder as the Javascript file you want to test, create a __tests__ folder

    2. Create a tests file with the same name as the Javascript file you’re testing, but with a .test.js extension

    3. Write your test