note: this assumes you’ve already set up a menu with at least a Preferences/Settings option. If you haven’t, see here: android menu
- create a new class, extending PreferenceActivity
public class Preferences extends PreferenceActivity {
create res/xml/preferences.xml containing settings values you want
types of preferences include:
- CheckBoxPreference (simple checkbox)
- ListPreference (choose one option from a list)
- EditTextPreference (allows you to edit a string)
- DialogPreference (custom dialog)
- MultiSelectListPreference (check multiple options from a list)
- another embedded PreferenceScreen
for a sample preferences.xml, see here:
ListPreference requires reference to an array of entries and an array of entry values, stored in /res/values/arrays.xml
see here for a sample arrays.xml:
store keys of preferences in strings.xml
- within the onCreate method of the Preferences class, add this line to get the preferences from the XML file:
- add a method to the Preferences class to retrieve the values for your preferences, like this:
public static String getDefaultLang(Context context) { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getString("defaultLang", "english"); }
add your new Preferences class as an Activity to AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity android:name=".Preferences" android:label="@string/preferences_title" android:theme="@android:style/Theme"> </activity>
(here the default theme is specified to ensure the title is displayed)
- in your main Activity class, in the onOptionsItemSelected method, add an intent to make sure your Preferences class gets called when the user clicks the Preferences/Settings button in the menu:
case startActivity(new Intent(this, Preferences.class)); return true; }
- lastly, call the method(s) you created in your Preferences class to retrieve the values for your preferences, in onCreate and/or elsewhere:
defaultLang = Preferences.getDefaultLang(this);
to refer to a particular preference in your PreferenceActivity:
Preference somePreference = findPreference(getString(R.string.preferences_some_preference);
(the resource string you refer to is what you used as the key for the preference)