Compiling RetroArch for PSP


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Compiling using libretro-super

  1. Clone libretro-super

     git clone
  2. Build RetroArch

    • Build a specific core

        cd libretro-super
        docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 ./ quicknes
    • Build all cores

        cd libretro-super
        docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 ./

    The build will be in retroarch/pkg/psp1/. You can copy the contents of this folder into the folder where RetroArch is installed on the PSP (e.g. PSP/GAME/RetroArch).

Compile a single core manually

  1. Get the latest tag for RetroArch

    This is recommended because sometimes the master branch of RetroArch can be broken

  2. Clone RetroArch

     git clone --depth=1 -b TAG retroarch

    (Replace TAG with the latest tag from the previous step)

  3. Clone the core

    For example:

     git clone
  4. Compile the core library

    For example:

     cd QuickNES_Core
     docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 sh -c "make platform=psp1 clean && make platform=psp1"
  5. Copy the core library into the RetroArch repo

     rm ../retroarch/dist-scripts/*_psp1.a
     cp *_psp1.a ../retroarch/dist-scripts
     cd ..
  6. Compile the core with RetroArch

     cd retroarch
     docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 sh -c "(cd dist-scripts; ./ psp1)"

    The build will be in retroarch/pkg/psp1/. You can copy the contents of this folder into the folder where RetroArch is installed on the PSP (e.g. PSP/GAME/RetroArch).

Refer to the previous section with the following differences:

  1. After cloning RetroArch, configure it for a debug build

     cd retroarch
     # Enable building of the .prx file
     sed -i 's/BUILD_PRX          = 0/BUILD_PRX          = 1/' Makefile.psp1
     # Don't delete the .elf file when compiling
     sed -i s'/rm -f ..\/retroarchpsp.elf/true || rm -f ..\/retroarchpsp.elf/' dist-scripts/

    For older versions of RetroArch (< v1.7.0), you may also need to run these commands:

     # Enable debugging symbols for the salamander core (the one that loads the other cores)
     sed -i 's/.salamander ||/.salamander DEBUG=1 ||/' dist-scripts/
     # Enable debugging symbols for the RetroArch core
     sed -i 's/-j3 ||/-j3 DEBUG=1 ||/' dist-scripts/
  2. When compiling the core library, enable debugging symbols by appending DEBUG=1

     cd path/to/core
     docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 sh -c "make platform=psp1 clean && make platform=psp1 DEBUG=1"
  3. When compiling the core, enable debugging symbols for the salamander core with -e OPTS=DEBUG=1

     cd retroarch
     docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" -e OPTS=DEBUG=1 bmaupin/pspdev:gcc-4.6.4 sh -c "(cd dist-scripts; ./ psp1)"

    The files you will need for debugging will be:

    • retroarch/retroarchpsp.elf
    • retroarch/retroarchpsp.prx