Building RPMs


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  1. Set up the build environment

    1. Install necessary packages
      sudo yum -y install gcc rpm-build
    2. Create ~/.rpmmacros with the following content:

      %packager       John Doe <>
      %vendor         My Company
      %_topdir        %{getenv:HOME}/rpm

      (The packager and vendor lines are optional)

    3. Make sure the following folders exist, creating them if necessary:

      • rpm
      • rpm/BUILD
      • rpm/RPMS
      • rpm/SOURCES
      • rpm/SPECS
      • rpm/SRPMS
      cd ~ && mkdir rpm rpm/BUILD rpm/RPMS rpm/SOURCES rpm/SPECS rpm/SRPMS
  2. Copy source tarballs and any other file you wish to be part of the package to rpm/SOURCES
  3. Create a spec file for the package and put it in rpm/SPECS

  4. Build the RPM

    rpmbuild -ba rpm/SPECS/PACKAGE.spec

    Two RPMs will be created. The binary will be in rpm/RPMS/architecture, and the source RPM will be in rpm/SRPMS.